
The Importance of Periodontal Health

The Importance of Periodontal Health

It’s important that you are also doing your part to keep gums healthy, too.

How healthy are your gums? At first glance, you may think they are just fine. After all, they don’t seem to be giving you any issues, so everything must be fine, right? Well, not necessarily. Just as there are ways to keep teeth healthy and free from cavities there are things you can do aside from visiting our Jackson Heights, NY, family dentist Dr. Hassan Alamzad for routine checkups that can ensure that your gums stay in the best of shape.

Why is periodontal health so important?

Gum disease is a serious problem, affecting about half of the American adults in the US according to the CDC. Not only is gum disease the leading cause of tooth loss in adults it can also increase a person’s risk for heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease and even dementia.

While we still do not know how gum disease and these serious systemic diseases are connected, it may have something to do with the presence of chronic inflammation. Either way, by keeping your gums healthy you could also improve your overall health, as well.

How can I keep my gums healthy?

Reducing gum inflammation and preventing gum disease is actually incredibly easy. Some of the best habits to adopt for healthy gums include,

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing teeth daily, preferably before brushing your teeth at night
  • Avoiding or quitting smoking
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Visiting your Jackson Heights, NY, general dentist for routine cleanings twice a year
  • Making sure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Limiting snacking to reduce acid erosion and plaque buildup

What are the warning signs of gum disease?

So, that’s the tricky think about gum disease—you could have it and not even know it. That’s why visiting your Jackson Heights, NY, general dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups is so important (even if your gums seem to feel and look fine). Our dental team knows what to look for to be able to spot gum disease early on when it may even be reversible.

As gum disease progresses it may cause these symptoms,

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing (or even when eating)
  • Tenderness
  • Swollen, red gums
  • Receding gums
  • Chronic halitosis (bad breath)

Queens Professional Dental Care in Jackson Heights, NY, is dedicated to providing you with a general dentist who can address all of your teeth and gum needs. If you are noticing changes in the shape, color or overall health of your gums give us a call today at (718) 898-8080.